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Chattabox+ Youth Camp runs alongside Chattabox Holiday Club. It is for those aged between 11-18 years. Chattabox is run by the churches in Oundle, under the banner of ‘OCYA’ (Oundle Churches Youth Association) and allows the young people to serve during the mornings as they help to lead the children’s holiday club, and then to enjoy their own programme of events during the afternoons and evenings.


The camp takes place at Oundle C.E. Primary School (where the morning sessions are also held) and we expect those taking part to camp with us through the week and to make the school their base. Occasionally there are good reasons why young people need to sleep off-site, but we would strongly encourage everyone to camp! This really helps with the community feel of Chattabox+ and is great fun.

Young people who are currently in Year 7 (Junior Helpers during the mornings) are permitted to camp overnight, with parental permission. Parents who feel that their Year 7 child needs more sleep then it is probably best if they join us as ‘day campers’. It’s important that everyone can give 100% in the mornings so please decide accordingly. Whatever age they are, the Day campers can arrive on site from 7.30am for breakfast but must leave at 10pm after the evening activities (the gates will be locked shortly after.) Any Day campers aged under 16 must be collected by a parent or carer unless written permission has been given for your young person to make their own way home.

The cost of the week will be £55, all-inclusive.

The cost is the same for Day or Overnight camping as the costs cover food and trips, which are available to all those involved in the afternoon and evening. The cost also applies to all those taking part, even those who are over 18 years. For families who cannot afford to pay the full cost of the week, please contact us, as bursaries can be arranged. We do not want financial constraints to stop any young person from taking part.